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Military games – Selection of TOP Games with a War Theme

The whizzing of bullets doesn’t add to peace, but it’s necessary to strap on a helmet and head into battle. The best military games let you experience the hardships and joys of war in such a way that you’ll truly feel like a soldier on the battlefield.

SlothBet > News > Military games – Selection of TOP Games with a War Theme
Military Games – Last Train Home

Last Train Home is an excellent military game from the Brno-based studio Ashborne Games (source: czc.cz)

War. War never changes. This quote comes from the post-apocalyptic game series Fallout, but that’s not what we’re talking about today. While real war is terrible, war and military games are so much better. Some try to depict conflicts as realistically as possible, while others focus on arcade-style fun over realism. However, all these games have one thing in common: they are damn fun to play! The theme of war and soldiers has been processed in the gaming industry since time immemorial, but today we focus on military games that still have something to offer in 2024. Our list includes a cross-section of the best military games – from strategic games to arcade shooters and tank combat simulations. Step into the front lines of bloody conflicts in these five war games.

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Last Train Home

As true patriots, the first item on our list must be a military real-time strategy game from the Czech Republic. Last Train Home follows the fate of Czech legionnaires after World War I, when they had to embark on a difficult journey back home. The Trans-Siberian Railway served them well, and among other things, they faced the Russian Civil War. In this Czech game, you take on the role of the legionnaires’ commander and have to take care of not only your subordinates but also the train’s operation. It is a great gaming achievement that is fun to play and looks good.

Call of Duty series and Battlefield series

Today, Call of Duty is considered the best military game; just look at the numbers, and it’s clear. However, it is not a realistic war simulation but an arcade first-person shooter that prioritizes action and fun over realism. The reason CoD wins the battle with Battlefield is simple: Call of Duty: Warzone has captured the hearts of many players and gave them what they wanted. The latest installment, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, again develops the stories of popular characters from the series, and it seems to us that CoD is closer to its fans than Battlefield.
Call of Duty logo

Call of Duty

The second most popular arcade military simulator (or shooter) is Battlefield, which has been competing with Call of Duty for the same players since time immemorial. What CoD lacks, Battlefield excels at, and vice versa. The latest two games, Battlefield 2042 and Battlefield 5, are well-made pieces with fun multiplayer and good visuals, but they don’t bring any change compared to previous installments. The gaming community feels this game has been the same for years – but that’s why some love it and others hate it.

Arma 3

Here, you can’t just run and shoot wildly. No, Arma 3 is realistic in every way and tries to depict modern conflict as realistically as possible. No armor regeneration, relatively few bullets, and one well-aimed bullet is enough to end your fight. However, the Czech game Arma 3 offers many hours of fun in a beautifully executed environment, and you can customize the game to your liking with community mods and official DLCs. Moreover, there is still a large online player base today, so it is definitely not a dead game.

War Thunder

After years of development and adjustments, War Thunder has reached the top ranks of successful military simulators. Whether you prefer infantry, aerial acrobatics with planes, tank battles, or naval combat – War Thunder has it all combined in one well-crafted package, and you definitely won’t be bored in this military game. The effort to make every weapon or vehicle realistic does not detract from the fun of gameplay, and it’s all wrapped up in decent graphics. All of this is completely free!

World of Tanks

Do you know what’s scarier than someone pointing a gun at you? Someone pointing a tank cannon at you! Motorized armored vehicles are an integral part of all armies today, and the game World of Tanks is all about them. WoT is completely free to download for anyone who wants to experience epic tank battles. This successful military game has been running for over a decade, and since then, it has included over 400 different tanks. You can even play on the go with World of Tanks: Blitz for mobile devices.

Frequently asked questions

Which military game is the best?
We can’t determine a single winner here because there are many games with war or military settings, and each one is different. It depends on your personal taste – for us, the Call of Duty series wins.
Is there any Czech military game?
Notable Czech military games include the simulation Operation Flashpoint (which led to the Arma series) and the first installment of the Vietcong game. And of course, Last Train Home, mentioned in the article, cannot be overlooked.
Do I have to pay to play World of Tanks / War Thunder?
No, these two games offering an enormous portion of fun and an incredible war experience are available for free download.

Don’t miss:

Peter Broz

Peter Broz

Article author – esports expert
Email: peter@slothbet.com

I came into contact with playing computer games long before a billion-dollar business with professional teams emerged around them. Although I never reached the professional level, I still have many acquaintances among the top esports players today. At SlothBet, I will primarily contribute to the esports section.

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